Would You Like To Join Hout Bay Yacht Club?

Membership Application Process

To join HBYC you need a Proposer and Seconder who are members of the Club. However, if you don’t know any members, a letter of recommendation from another Club will usually suffice.

Your Proposer or Seconder would normally introduce you to a Flag Officer or Committee member, who will also sign your application.

Your name and photograph will be placed on the Club notice-board for a period of 2 weeks, prior to one of our monthly General Committee Meeting, where all membership applications are considered and ratified.

We also have a new members meeting once a month, the week before the main Committee Meeting, which you will be required to attend. When we receive your completed application form, we’ll let you know when this meeting will take place.

If your application is successful … you will then be advised, in writing, and your membership card and gate tag will be issued.

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