For a complete copy of the Marina Regulations scroll further down page for Download Button.
HBYC Marina Bye-Laws
- Hout Bay Yacht Club Marina reserves the right of admission to the Marina.
- Boats must not exceed the size and specifications as determined by the Marina Committee ( Max L O A 54’ 16.5m ).
- Boat owners/skippers MUST complete the HBYC Marina Arrival Forms, Part 1 – immediately upon arrival (this form is available in the Marina Guard Room when completing the SIGN IN BOOK or from the Club bar staff when obtaining an access card; please place the completed form in the file provided). Parts 2 & 3 – within 72 hours of arrival (these forms accompany Part 1, please hand to the Marina Manager; together with the Skipper’s Ticket, the Boat’s Registration Papers and Certificate of Fitness (CoF).
- All owners/skippers of boats MUST be Members of the HBYC, be Members of a Club that enjoys reciprocity with the HBYC or take out Temporary Membership for the period that the boat for which they are designated as the responsible person is berthed on the Marina. Similarly, any crew members staying aboard MUST be Members of the HBYC, be Members of a Club that enjoys reciprocity with the HBYC or take out Temporary Membership for the duration of their stay on the Marina.
- Marina Fees, Rental Deposit, HBYC Fees and Harbour Dues must be paid ONE MONTH/WEEK IN ADVANCE on or before due date; being by the seventh of each month. Where fees are SEVEN (7) DAYS in arrears the owner of the boat or his delegated skipper will be asked to remove the boat from the Marina.
- Any boat incorrectly or insufficiently tied up will be tied up by the Club representative at a cost of R 250.00 per line plus VAT and R 100.00 per hour plus VAT. It is the responsibility of the boat owner to ensure they request a mooring diagram; which forms part of these Bye-Laws. This shows the HBYC MARINA MINIMUM VESSEL MOORING LINES REQUIREMENTS. (see below)
- Fenders are required; at least two; on the side between you and the next boat.
- NO dinghy, repair material or junk to be left on the Marina walkways or fingers.
- NO construction work may be done on the MARINA. Such work shall immediately be stopped when instructed to do so by the MARINA MANAGER. External fibre glassing, spray painting, grinding, welding or any other work that could potentially damaged other vessels or pollute the harbour water is not permitted. Assembling or dismantling of engines on the fingers or walkways is not allowed. Light maintenance work may be allowed at the discretion of the MARINA MANAGER but must be restricted to the vessel or finger only. Any cleaning up necessary to be done by Marina staff will be charged at a flat rate of R 100.00 per hour plus VAT.
- Washing to be done on a low-key basis; only small items to be discreetly hung out; no higher than the top lifeline.
- Oil and waste to be placed in a container provided for this sole purpose; in the HBYC Boatyard; NOT in the garbage bins on the Marina.
- Music, etc. should not be obtrusive to others.
- Staying aboard The Club has a lease over the water space on which the Marina is located. So as not to be in contravention of this lease, certain restrictions apply to persons staying overnight on a vessel.
These are summarized as follows:
13.1 No person may permanently live abroad a vessel.
>13.2 Persons overnighting for less than three (3) days in any seven (7) day period may do so without written application. However, the Marina Manager must be notified in advance of this intention.
13.3 Cruising yachtspersons (foreign registered yachts or yachts whose last port of call was outside a 50 nm radius of Hout Bay) may be allowed, on obtaining an Exemption Certificate from the Marina Manager, to stay aboard under the following terms:
13.3.1 Initially for up to three months.
13.3.2 Permission may be granted for further three month periods by the Marina sub-Committee upon written application at least seven days before the end of the initial period.
13.4 Persons spending holidays aboard a vessel may be allowed, on written application to the Marina sub-Committee, to stay aboard for up to three (3) months. Provided that the boat on which they are staying has a valid Certificate of Fitness (CoF) for the duration of the period of their stay. At the expiry of the relevant period the boat will be required to leave the HBYC Marina for a minimum of two (2) weeks. The Marina sub-Committee may; at its sole discretion; allow a three (3) month extension of the initial period after considering a written application for such extension. - Animals/pets are allowed subject to them not fouling walkways, fingers or other boats. Should an animal/pet be found to have fouled such areas the owner will be asked to remove them from the Marina within seven (7) days.
- Marina owners’ boats may NOT be unplugged from any shore power pedestal. Please consult the Marina Manager before unplugging any boat.
- In the interest of safety, i. NO joints are allowed in the cables between the electrical boxes and vessels, and ii. Cables must be neatly run either parallel to, or at right angles to the spines and shall be secured with cable straps (or similar) to keep them in place. The Marina Manager will disconnect any damaged, joined or untidy cables.
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